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Solve this episode of my unconventional podcast to add your name to the leaderboard.


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Hint 1

This bird has a secret message for you. Start at the asterisk and collect 8 letters.

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Hint 2

* = I

from "I," the next instruction is "tweeet." Since it contains "twt," move right and use the amount of Es to know how many letters right.

3 letters from the right of the "I" is "S" so tweeet = S

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Hint 3

From the "S" you just collected head left, indicated by the next word including "cw," and the amount to move is 5 letters, indicated by the quantity of As.

caaaaaw = T

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* = I

tweeet = S
caaaaaw = T
tweeeeeeet = O
caaaaaaaaw = L
caaaaw = E

tweeeeeeeeet = I
tweeeet = T


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